Tuesday, May 19, 2009

European Starlings Trapped

Last month I turned in but heard a horrible racket up in the attic. Animals were running back and forth at a frantic pace and then I heard a strange noise in close range. I looked into my walk-in closet and the access panel to the attic was cracked in half. I reported it to the apartment management and they said it was probably raccoons and Critter Control would be sent out. They've been out here regularly since and I saw one of them today and asked if they had caught any raccoons .... yes, 4 or 5. The guy was patching up a hole above the garage where I knew European Starlings were nesting. I asked him if he removed the nest and he said that they all flew out.

Guess not. I came home tonight and a Starling Mom or Dad was at the metal covered opening with food looking frantic. I could hear the babies screaming inside, trapped. I guess most people would say good riddance since they are an invasive species and not protected. But it saddens my bleeding heart. I feel so sorry for any suffering creature. I guess they will be in birdy heaven by the morning with no food or ventilation. They had to be too young to survive in any event.

Starling on the Balcony

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