Monday, May 14, 2007

Latest on "The Birds"

The backyard has the sound quality of Hitchcock's "The Birds." The starlings have fledged and it appears there is a bumper crop of 'em. From sunrise to sunset they are constantly screeching. This little fellow is just as big as Mom or Dad, but still demands to be fed. It's more irritating than fingernails on a chalk board.

I've lamented lately that no woodpeckers have been around. This goes back to winter time when they are usually abundant. Downy, Red-bellied, Northern Flickers are common species. They tend to flock around the suet feeders, yet the "darling" starlings, aka Hitchcock birds, overtook the suet feeders last winter and seem to have run off all the woodpeckers. Last weekend, I was thrilled to see a male Downy show up a couple of days and a female Red-bellied on Sunday. The Downy was in a fight with the Robin nesting in the tree so I never got a good picture, but the Red-Belly stuck around for five seconds and allowed a half way (quarter way?) decent shot.

Even though they are not "our" Robins (the ones nesting ten feet from the back door), there was a pair of fledgling Robins on the deck rail when I came home tonight. Amazing that a sense of trust must be built into their nature. This little fellow was contemplating the bird bath, saw that I was around, yet never considered me a danger. I doubt that I could have come within 10 feet of him, but as long as I didn't make any sudden movements, he just carried on.

And from the sound of it "OUR" Robins might have hatched today!! The Cardinal nest in the shrub (that really needs to be trimmed, but won't be until the cardinals fledge) is still being attended to. Hopefully, no fledglings until we return from DC. I would hate to miss that event!

I think that the Rose-breasted Grosbeaks have finally fled north for breeding. I was surprised they hung around this long, but wish them the best and hope they return for a few days next Spring.

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