Big hype -- the Pine Siskins [PISI] are in town! This has gone on since late Fall/early Winter. Do I see Pine Siskins? Absolutely not. All around me, birders in Missouri are reporting the PISIs all day long. I'm thinking, I'm not worthy. But today, Today, TODAY ... YEE HAW! I am worthy!
From the MOBIRD List-Serv, it was noted earlier this winter
that the date of appearance of Pine Siskins at one's feeders is at an inverse ratio to the measure of "deservedness" of the feeder owner.
"Thus, you are either very deserving (that is, they will show, but only at the very end of winter) or you are totally undeserving (they ain't gonna show, never!). Only time will tell. Patience, luv, patience." Edge Wade
Deserving or not, I added a lifer to my list today!!!