Sunday, November 30, 2008

PFW - Week 4: Return of the Waxwings & Robins

There were dozens and dozens of Cedar Waxwings and American Robins flying around and through the trees and shrubs all morning and into the early afternoon. I am not sure what they are eating since it appeared that they had stripped all the berries a couple of weeks ago, but obviously there was something of interest to them out there.

I woke up to a light snow that continued on and off throughout the day. Temperatures never got above freezing. These must be favorable conditions for the birds as there were a total of nine bird species venturing into the count area and a total of 11 in the vicinity.

Project FeederWatch Count:
  • Downy Woodpecker 1
  • Carolina Chickadee 1
  • American Robin 6
  • European Starling 3
  • Cedar Waxwing 30
  • Song Sparrow 1
  • Northern Cardinal 1
  • House Finch 9 (1 with eye disease)
  • House Sparrow 9

American Robin

Cedar Waxwing

Northern Cardinal

American Crow
strutting along the office building roof across the way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the cardinal posing straight on with his crest up like a punk rocker..cute..I will have to count tomorrow..