Saturday, March 31, 2007

Materials delivery day

8:00 a.m. and a huge truck arrives with two pallets of materials that are fork-lifted up my driveway. This is going to be a huge pain in the rear. There is no access to my back yard so I'll have to hand cart them. How many hundreds of trips will that be? I'm afraid to keep a count.

It rained all day yesterday so it's really mucky out back. You know how it is when you step in the mud and it practically pulls your shoe off? Yuck. Plus I have to haul off the dirt that was excavated. Of course now it's muddy, heavy dirt. I did count the number of trips: 25 and that was just to clear it out enough so I'd have a staging area for the materials. The rest can wait until it dries out a bit.

But as I'm doing this, I start thinking about the materials. Specifically the quantity of the base material. 18 bags. I look at them, do quick numbers in my head then on the calculator ...... it's not right! I need 142 bags, not 18! The supplier made a huge mistake. So I drive out there, quite upset as you can imagine, and explain it to them. I place the order for the other 124 bags and great! they can deliver them today. And ma'am that will be another $152 for the delivery. Hello!!!! Your mistake. They finally waived the delivery charge. Nevertheless, the cost goes up 25% and it was already twice what I expected. Oh well. This is a picture with ALL of the materials. Driveway space is becoming dear. Plus, my spot in the garage is blocked.

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