Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Record-breaking temp today: 104 degrees

I bought 19 more plants last weekend and have all but 5 in the ground. Planting may have to wait til the weekend when the temps drop to below 90, hopefully. Once they are in, there will be a total of 130! Some of them are either destroyed by tree rats, unless they are just dormant, but that will be it for this summer. Looking forward to the spring when things really start to bloom.

I actually broke out of my "Type A" behavior mode. I had no list of plants in hand when I went to the nursery and bought whatever looked good, as long as it was native. Of course as I plant, I do update the plan. But geez, give me a break. There are 130 plants and I'm not getting any younger. I can't be expected to remember every single one without some assistance.

Keep Cool!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You go girl..going even with the heat..