Friday, May 25, 2007

Back in Town

Ed & I were in our Nation's Capital last week visiting his son Philip & fiance Alysha (lovely couple in green to the right), as well as Ed's brother David & family in Olney, Maryland. Wonderful trip, although NO BIRDING!!! How in the world did that not happen? Bummer :(

While we were gone, the Robin eggs have hatched! I keep seeing two little beaks rising from the nest begging for food. The Cardinal nest, however, is a different story. I have a feeling that the parents abandoned the nest while I was away. Absolutely no activity. The Cardinals are still around, so hopefully they will be able to build a new nest and start all over again.

Landscaping Update: Whatever. No progress since we were out of town, although I have identified a number of plants that will do well in the yard that I MUST have! Strawberry Bush is a definite. Loves a shady location and provides food for the birds late in the year.

Ed & his Maryland nieces & nephews.

Other pictures from the trip can be found at my SmugMug photo website.

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