Sunday, April 1, 2007

April Fools Day

Am I the fool! Naw, I'm just learning that this dog is not too old to learn new tricks. I'm just a little slower at them than if I was a young 'un. The "pond" garden path is not receding too quickly. At least the birds are enjoying it. Lots of them drinking from it and my resident Robin decided to take a bath before he came up for his morning raisins.

Despite the continued presence of wetlands in the path, there is still lots of work that can be done. As I said before, layout of house vs. lot prohibits delivery of the materials to the worksite so I have to hand cart it from the front of the house to the backyard. After errands in the morning and mowing the yard early afternoon, I didn't get started until almost 4:00. I don't know for sure how much each bag of base (landscaping rock) weighs but there were 142 of them to be moved. Compared to the 20 lb. bags of birdseed I regularly carry, I figure that at a minimum, each weighed 30 lbs. So, probably 4,500 lbs to be transported?

It took a little over three hours and probably 30 trips, but I got it done!!! A bit of driveway space has been reclaimed and I'm not feeling much wear on the old body despite the efforts (ask me in the morning). It's hard to see in this picture, but those whitish things represent 4,500 lbs of effort.

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