Thursday, April 5, 2007

Back to the basics - Birds!

Since I have no progress reports on the garden path, I may as well talk about birds in my yard. This is my main interest and the reason for the landscaping in the first place.

Winter is a great time to see birds in the backyard. Stock a few bird feeders and they will generally flock to your yard to eat the seed and other goodies you set out for them. Right now, it's spring time and a lot of their natural food sources are becoming available to them. The birds disperse and start thinking about other **natural** instincts. It's time to start pairing up and producing a new generation of birdies.

The last two seasons, I've seen quite a few nestlings and fledglings -- robins, song sparrows, northern flickers, cardinals, chickadees, mockingbirds, blue jays, ............. I'm sure I'll see quite an array this mating season as well. I'm watching all the birds pair up and go through their mating rituals. Wish I was talented enough (PATIENT enough) to capture it all with my camera, but that too will come in time.

My second photography class was last night. A couple of essential concepts fell into place. Of course, this only led to a few more questions, but that is a good thing.

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